Storyboard Beach Resort i Klouklubed

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Klouklubed, Peleliu, Palau
Kontakter telefon: +680 345 1019
Latitude: 7.0403418, Longitude: 134.2538899
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Kommentar 4

  • Harald Traa

    Harald Traa


  • Shushanta Kumar

    Shushanta Kumar


    Tiny, room like poor home,

  • Parkwaydrive17



    We stayed at this resort for 4 nights in 2015. As far as resorts go, it's very basic. Our bungalow was comfortable & clean with air conditioning (a must on Peleliu) however the showers hardly worked and had little hot water. Our meals were cooked in an open hut by the very friendly lady who ran the resort. The serving sizes were huge and mainly local Palauan cuisine. The location was beautiful but the resort could do with some much needed renovation. There was also a kayak for hire for $30 US. Further south on the island is the Dolphin Bay Resort. If you're not on a tight budget I'd recommend staying there. We had a walk through it and it appeared much nicer.




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