Sea Passion Hotel i Koror

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Koror, Palau
Kontakter telefon: +680 488 0066
Latitude: 7.3392117, Longitude: 134.4568929
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Kommentar 5

  • Elias Ayrey

    Elias Ayrey


    I didn't stay at the hotel, but I did their water sports for a day. They offered a variety of fun water sports at a lower price than most resorts. Activities included flyboarding, jet ski rental, and a jet ski sled ride. Unfortunately I had 80$ stolen from my wallet while on their tour by what could only have been one of their staff members. So give them a try for the best water sports in Palau, but watch your stuff!

  • Leena Chanvirach

    Leena Chanvirach


    Super big room and bed great for diving as it has its own jetty right off from the hotel. This hotel has very nice private beach of its own with corals in clear water

  • john quenga

    john quenga


    Awesome place! Private beach, kayak rentals. Very clean!

  • Janice Washingto

    Janice Washingto


    I was very impressed during my stay at Sea Passion Hotel Palau .Staff very friendly and nice location I was really satisfied during my 6 night stay at this wonderful hotel. Downtown Koror was a short car ride .

  • Lucas Smit

    Lucas Smit


    The hotel is pretty simple without any frills, but with a friendly staff. The rooms are OK, there aren't many amenities and the restaurant doesn't offer a lot of options. Nevertheless the best thing of this hotel is the private beach on the back that gives you access to one of the best snorkeling places in the world!!!

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