Palau Paradise Hotel i Koror

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Main Street, Koror, PW Palau
Kontakter telefon: +680 488 8004
Latitude: 7.3423368, Longitude: 134.4771148
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Kommentar 5

  • M Siew

    M Siew


    Down to earth, good value for$, friendly service

  • Seiwon Choi

    Seiwon Choi


    최고의 시설은 아니지만 8일동안 내집처럼 평안히 쉬고 왔습니다. 사장님 감사합니다^^ 다음에 또 뵙겠습니다

  • Janice Washingto

    Janice Washingto


    I stayed at the Palau Paradise Hotel in Palau. The staff were very courteous and went out of their way to ensure the guest were taken care of. The rooms were spacious and very clean. The hotel is close to shopping and restraunts so no need to catch a cab. If you want a massage they offer a service right there in your room. The hotel is priced right and has great location for those on a budget or not. I highly recommend Palau Paradise Hotel if you are visiting Palau.

  • みーこもり



    海の見える部屋をリクエストしました receptionの方々に大変お世話になりました 便利な立地で楽しめました 清潔で快適な部屋でした おススメです

  • David Martinelli

    David Martinelli


    This review is 2 parts. The first is the hotel the second is wifi. The hotel is good. It is clean, the staff friendly, and it's all you need to be comfortable while on your vacation. As compared to the more expensive places on the island if you are diving don't waste your money on a place you essentially are going to sleep. On Wifi. This is not the hotels fault but the prepaid wifi cards on Palau are pretty much a scam. Most of the time you cannot get what is called an "external IP". The majority of users will not have the device or equipment to see this (you simply see that you are connected to a network with a good signal between you and the access point - you do not see that you have no connection to the outside world). This issue is recurrent and so for use of your pre-paid wifi the only time the connection is barely useable (5-15 kilobytes per second) is between 10pm and 5am, otherwise forget it. Your best bet for wifi on the island is to go to a cafe enjoy a frappe or coffee and have a reason to relax and wait. The wifi will be slow but you won't feel cheated.

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